


secular mindfulness information and inspiration uniting east and west


  • Mindfulness at the Teahouse
  • Five Mindful Traditions Class
  • Standard Eight Week Mindfulness Course
  • Peaceful Zen GongFu Meditation Activity
  • Practical Philosophy and Mindfulness Meetup

  • Mindfulness at the Teahouse

    When: Every Saturday morning; 10:00am - 12:00am.

    Where: DàbǎoFēng‏ Teahouse (北京大宝峰茗品茶叶有限公司) in the AnZhen area of Beijing. 5 minutes walk west from Line 5 subway station HePingXiQiao (one stop down from line 10 station HuiXinXIJie NanKou). See this BaiDu Map for the exact location.

    Host: Hosted by Tristan Petts (the author of this site).

    What: Each session will have the following schedule:

    1) Welcome tea and introduction.
    2) Guided secular mindfulness meditation focusing on the breath.
    3) Discussion of any details experienced during the meditation.
    4) Mindful Tea Meditation.
    5) Discussion of any details experienced during the meditation.
    6) Any further guided meditations, experiences, or questions. Group members will also have opportunities to try guiding others at this stage of the event - for more details see Mutual Mindfulness Support and Sharing.
    Anyone interested in trying secular mindfulness meditation is welcome. Later sessions will include guided meditation in Mandarin Chinese.

    Language: English.

    Cost: 25rmb - 40rmb per person (depending on the number of people attending) to pay for the tea and the teahouse room. The sessions are non-profit.

    Limitations: There is space for a maximum of 7 people (8 people including the host). If 4 or less people attend (including the host) we will probably only stay at the teahouse for 1 hour to save costs.

    Sign up: Please use MeetUp.com by selecting the date you want to attend on the calendar here (and make sure you select the Saturday 'Mindfulness at the Teahouse' event, and not the philosophy meetup event ;) ).

    Directions from the subway: Take Exit A from Line 5 station HePingXiQiao, and then cross over the road (3rd Ring Road) and walk west. Take the 2nd side-road on the right turning off from the 3rd Ring Road, and then take the 1st turning on the left. The teahouse is on the right.

    Five Mindful Traditions Class

    A workshop that leads participants on a journey through five traditional mindful practises in a secular context, with each practice building upon the previous, delivering direct insight into the potential mindfulness holds for our daily lives.

    When: See the meetup.com calendar.

    Length: 2 hours.

    Where: See individual event details on meetup.com.

    Host: Hosted by Tristan Petts (the author of this site).

    What: Each session will have the following schedule:

    1) Welcome tea and introduction.
    2) A short guided standing still chinese yoga posture (YiQuan ZhanZhuang).
    3) A guided secular mindfulness meditation focusing on the breath.
    4) A guided 'zen tea' meditation.
    5) Practise of the basic chinese zen calligraphy method.
    6) Landscape painting using the chinese 'writing nature's intention' technique (XieYi).
    No previous experience is necessary, and all materials will be provided. Wear loose and comfortable clothes (especially around the belly) to get the most out of this class.

    Language: English.

    Cost: 30rmb to cover the cost of materials and venue. This is a non-profit activity.

    Limitations: There is space for a maximum of 8 people (9 people including the host).

    Sign up: Please use MeetUp.com by selecting the date you want to attend on the calendar here (and make sure you select the correct event, not the philosophy meetup event ;) ).

    Standard Eight Week Secular Mindfulness Course

    Learn the standard secular mindfulness practices in the form of a course, in a group setting, and over eight weeks. This is the course that scientists are using to study the effects of mindfulness in universities around the world, and which has been producing the significant results reported in the media.

    Commitment: One 2-hour session per week for 8 weeks.

    Course guide: Tristan Petts (the author of this site).

    Language: English.

    Cost: Free.

    Request participation: Send an email to: tristanpetts@hotmail.com.

    When and where: Once three or more enthusiastic participants have agreed that they can commit to the full 8 weeks then times and locations will be discussed and arranged.

    Peaceful Zen GongFu Meditation

    An activity that focuses on mind-body awareness in the context of traditional Chinese practical GongFu. Among the benefits are increased confidence, coordination of the limbs, and also a fun 'game' to play safely with mindful friends.

    When: See the meetup.com calendar.

    Length: 2 hours.

    Where: See individual event details on meetup.com.

    Host: Hosted by Tristan Petts (the author of this site).

    What: Simple traditional Chinese GongFu arm and hand postures are practised individually in a mindfulness meditation context - seated at first and then standing. Once remembered, the movement sequences are conducted slowly and mindfully with a partner through joined wrists.

    6 different arm and hand positions are learnt and practiced, and then this structure is built upon as skills increase naturally and comfortably over time.

    No previous experience is necessary, and there is no need for special flixibility or athletic ability.
    Wear loose and comfortable clothes (especially around the belly) to get the most out of this activity.

    Language: A good ability in English is essential.

    Cost: The cost of the venue divided by participants. This is a non-profit activity.

    Limitations: There is space for a maximum of 6 people participating (7 people including the host).

    Sign up: Please use MeetUp.com by selecting the date you want to attend on the calendar here (and make sure you select the correct event, not the philosophy meetup event ;) ).

    Practical Philosophy and Mindfulness Meetup

    A philosophy discussion group meets in Beijing once a week in the evening to discuss practical philosophy in relation to secular mindfulness and traditional Eastern mindfulness.

    This group is organized and hosted by the author of this website.

    To join the group, please do so via meetup.com at the dedicated site.